Maternity and paternity leave 2024

Maternity and paternity leave 2024

When the time comes, we exchange work duties for other, more pleasant ones - family. In this article, we therefore summarize the basic information that you should know before taking maternity leave. Do you plan to maintain contact with the world of work during this period as well? Find out what are the options.

What are you entitled to as an expectant mother at work?

If you are expecting a baby, you can only work daily shifts and it is not possible to order you to work overtime. Of course, there are also positions that cannot be performed during pregnancy due to health reasons. It is not possible to work night shifts and if your work also includes business trips, you have the right to refuse them during pregnancy. If it is possible, it is also good to agree on shorter shifts with your employer.

During your pregnancy, you will of course need to see the doctor more often. If you cannot schedule these visits outside working hours, they will be reimbursed by your employer upon confirmation of your doctor's visit - the same rules apply here as for routine medical check-ups and examinations.

Maternity leave and maternity allowance

Entitlement to maternity leave and maternity allowance arises for women who have paid sickness insurance for at least 270 days during the two years preceding maternity leave or are within the protection period (ie have become pregnant within 180 days of the last employment) or are employed shorter time, but recently successfully completed their studies. If the woman does not meet any of these conditions, the right to maternity leave and maternity allowance does not arise and the woman takes parental leave automatically after the birth of the child.

Maternity leave lasts 28 weeks in case that one child was born. If two or more children are born, the length of maternity leave is extended to 37 weeks. You can then choose to start your maternity 6-8 weeks before the expected date of birth.

Financial support during maternity leave

Maternity allowance is paid by the social security administration based on an application for maternity allowance issued by the expectant mother's gynaecologist. The amount of this support is 70% of the reduced daily assessment base, but a maximum of CZK 1,797 per calendar day.

Work and employment during maternity leave

During maternity leave, you cannot work for your current employer based on an existing employment contract, and the employer must leave your job vacancy available to you so you can return to your job position. The company will keep your job until the child is 3 years old, but you can also agree on unpaid leave, up to the child's 4 years of age. If you want to work during maternity leave, you have the following options:

- with your current employer based on an agreement on the performance of work or work activity, or on a new employment contract, which, however, will be concluded for a different type of work than you did before you took maternity leave.
- you can work for another employer based on an agreement on the performance of work or work activity or an employment contract without restrictions, i.e., also on the role you performed before maternity leave. However, if it is a competitive activity, you will need the written consent of your employer.
- Own business is another option, but it must not be an activity that is identical to the subject of the current employer's activity, in which case written consent would again be a must.

It is not possible to obtain sick-leave contribution at the same time as receiving maternity allowance.

Self-employed mothers

Self-employed mothers are entitled to maternity allowance, if they have been involved in sickness insurance for 270 days in the last two years and at the same time voluntarily pay sickness insurance for at least 180 days in 1 year before taking maternity leave. In this case, the calculation of the amount of the contribution is based on the sum of the monthly premium bases; and the maximum amount of the contribution is the same as for the standard employment relationship.

When a self-employed mother receives maternity allowance, she cannot personally do the same job that gave rise to her entitlement. However, you can continue in business through your employees or earn extra money with another employer.

Paternity leave

The father can take paternity leave if he is employed and pays social security contributions, in the case of entrepreneurs the condition is voluntary participation in health insurance for at least 3 months before starting paternity leave. The current length of paternity leave is 14 calendar days, which can be taken during the first six weeks after the birth of the child. Paternity contribution allowance is 70% of the father's reduced daily assessment base, but not more than CZK 25,158 for the whole 14 days. It is not possible to work during paternity leave and to apply for paternity leave, father needs to apply with his employer.
In the next article, we talk about parental allowance, parental leave, and working opportunities during this period.
(Article updated on 4.4.2024)



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